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Top 3 Ways to Reduce the Signs of Aging

I can’t think of anyone who actually wants to look in the mirror and see wrinkles. Yes, there are a few who will gracefully embrace those fine lines around the mouth and eyes, but the majority, this is both men and women, will lose more than one night of sleep (causing even more problems, but that is for another post) over those pesky creases. So, what is a person to do? Thankfully, you do have options! Most likely you have heard of Botox, one of the most popular wrinkle reducers on the market, an injection that reduces muscle activity to relax the skin. Our second option, dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Voluma, uses an injected serum to add volume and hydration to the skin, which smooths out fine lines. The last option, and the most permanent, is a facelift.

Let’s take a look at the details of each procedure so you can determine which one is right for you:


Botox is used primarily to treat “crow’s feet” (the lines that form around the corners of the eyes due to squinting) and “frown lines” (those deep lines that appear between the eyebrows). Both of these conditions are caused by muscle contractions around the eyes. Botox uses a compound substance that is injected below the surface of the skin and into the muscle to temporarily reduce the amount of movement and contractions the muscle experiences.

The Botox serum usually lasts about 4 months and repeat injections are necessary to keep the skin smooth in those areas. After you receive an injection, it is common to see results within 24 to 48 hours. The procedure is quick and the pain is minimal. The total procedure usually takes about 10 minutes and you can return to work, or whatever your normal daily activity entails as soon as you are finished. Botox can cause a “frozen-looking” face if not administered properly. That is why it is so important that you visit a plastic surgeon’s office for your injections. We are extensively trained in the administration of Botox injections.


Dermal fillers are different from Botox as they use hyaluronic acid, a naturally produced substance, to increase the body’s production of collagen. Collagen keeps the skin plump and firm. As we age, we begin losing collagen, causing the skin to become relaxed, which leads to fine lines between the mouth and nose, sunken-looking cheeks and dark circles under the eyes. We use two types of dermal fillers, Juvederm and Voluma.

Juvederm is used to treat “parenthesis lines,” the lines that run between the nose and mouth, and used around the eyes to add volume. The injection is placed just under the skin and is relatively painless. It is a quick procedure that can be done in less than 30 minutes in our office. You should see results within a day or two and the effects of Juvederm can last between 12 and 18 months. Voluma is used to add hydration and volume to the cheek area. Voluma is a gel, injected deep in the cheek to boost the production of collagen. Just like Juvederm, the procedure is quick, with no downtime and you can return to your normal activities immediately. The results of Voluma can last for up to 2 years!


A facelift is the surgical option for a younger-looking face. A facelift tightens the skin and removes excess, sagging skin around the jaw line. An incision is made at the hairline, so scarring is practically unnoticeable. The fat is repositioned and evenly distributed, resurfacing techniques are used to improve skin tone and texture and the skin in tightened and reattached. Facelifts will not change your appearance, as in you will still look like you, just a younger you!

It takes about 10-14 days to recover from facelift surgery. You can get back to normal activity at that time, but it can take about 2-3 months to fully get back to normal. A facelift will not stop the normal process of aging, so it is important to take precautionary measures such as using sunscreen daily and practicing healthy habits. You will begin to see results after the bruising and swelling subside. Results vary and it is important to discuss your procedures with your surgeon.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Huddleston to discuss your options further, please call our office today!

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